Texas Association of Psychological Associates
Representing All Masters-Degreed Psychology Professionals in Texas
Offices of the Governor and the Attorney General Training Video to Combat Human Trafficking:

Governor Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton have joined forces to put together a training video teaching state employees how to recognize and report suspected human trafficking.

Licensees, applicants, and members of the public may use the link to this video and training as well. The training video entitled Be the One in the Fight Against Human Trafficking, along with other related training information, can be found by clicking here.

In 2016, a University of Texas report estimated that over 300,000 Texans are currently being trafficked, including 79,000 youth victims of sex trafficking. 

From the Texas Human​ Trafficking Resource Center here

​Many trafficked persons interact with the health care system while being trafficked. Health care providers often do not recognize the signs of trafficking or are unsure of how to help. Trafficked persons often do not disclose their situation.

The following lists indicators, or red flags, to look for when treating your patients.

Physical HealthFrequent treatment of sexually transmitted infections or injuries • Multiple unwanted pregnancies • Fractures or burns • Bruising• Gastrointestinal problems • Skin or respiratory problems caused by exposure to agricultural or other chemicals • Communicable and non-communicable diseases • Oral health issues, including broken teeth • Chronic pain • Signs of concussions, traumatic brain injuries or unexplained memory loss • Malnutrition
Behavioral HealthUnwilling to answer questions about their health • Unable to concentrate or provide basic information including age, address or time • Gives confusing or contradicting information • Abuses substances • Has depression or anxiety • Appears nervous or avoids eye contact • Has post-traumatic stress disorder

Other Indicators of TraffickingAnother person appears to be in control and does not let them answer questions • Reports a high number of sexual encounters • Does not have possession of their own identification documents • Lives in an overcrowded area or at their workplace • Has tattoos or branding of ownership • Wears inappropriate clothing for the weather or venue 

Learn more about required training for health care practitioners on the Health Care Practitioner Human Trafficking Training page.

​​​Other Resources​​

U.S. Department of Justice here

​​Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention here​​

U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services here​​

​​Office of Victims of Crimes here.

​​Call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center (here) to report sex trafficking, forced labor, or to get help 
1-888-373-7888 or text BeFree (233733)

Combatting Human Trafficking